Who is Austra-Phil Builders, Inc?
Austra-Phil Builders, Inc. (APBI) is a duly registered corporation by the Securities and Exchange Commission. It was incorporated on November 12, 2009 as a developer and construction company.
We aim to develop quality projects using modern updated technologies in the construction industry. Our inspiration is to provide satisfaction among our clients giving them the best services making way to be a part of their dreams in building the home they desire.
Our Mission
Austra-Phil Builders, Inc. aims to honor every Filipino’s dream to have a home anchored to a better life of living.
Our Vision
To be one of the leading developers in the industry and to lead the new generation with a better community.
Why Choose APBI?
APBI obtain its authority to sell from the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) under license number 26173. Provisions of legitimate projects will comply to our first core entity of providing ASSURANCE to our clients.
Intensive research and recreation of dynamic and modern technology will obtain the PROGRESS of our company in the field of developing modest and resonant structures complying on the continuing demand of fast pacing real estate industry.
Business Innovations
APBI, with its continuing development and BUSINESS INNOVATIONS will open new doors for better opportunities to its clients, employees, investing groups and to the industry we are serving as well.
The APBI Team
Austra-Phil Builders, Inc. believes that expertise and compliance to the standards is a must in delivering quality products and services. In line with this, our team is committed on investing greater knowledge and competitiveness among our people.


President and Chief Executive Officer

Chief Operating Officer

Vice President for Finance

Vice President for Operations

Project Manager

Admin Manager

Accounting Manager