by Pauline Joy Atienza
Like many other countries around the world, Novel Corona virus 2019 commonly known as COVID-19 crisis has impacted the economy of the Philippines starting the first quarter of 2020. Since President Rodrigo Roa Duterte placed the whole nation under Community Quarantine last March 15, 2020, the decline of the economy became inevitable. Real Estate Industries in the country has not escaped the economic onslaught brought by the pandemic.
We in APBI, despite of the crisis brought by this pandemic, still prioritize the safety and security of our employees and our clients as well. As one of the safety protocols and as advised by the local and national government, we implemented a work from home scheme to all our employees until such time that the ECQ has been lifted.

Here in APBI, our people is our responsibility. During the period of Enhanced Community Quarantine, we ensured that the families of all our employees and staffs have enough food on their plates and safe from the threat of the fast spreading virus. The company then provides relief goods such as foods, vitamins and food supplements to satisfy every family’s needs during those times that some of us weren’t allowed to go outside.
After lockdown has been loosen and the province of Rizal was placed under General Community Quarantine, the company then decided to go back to its regular working schedule. As a part of the New Normal situation, the company strictly implemented safety guidelines upon entering and going out of the office premises. The company provides shuttle service for the employees to avoid close contact to other people in public transportation. Temperature check, sanitizing, and wearing of mask is a must upon entering the office premises. Disinfection and sanitation is conducted regularly. Social or physical distancing is strictly observed.
Here in APBI, we honour our client’s dreams as well as their safety, security and assurance. APBI complied upon the mandating of the Republic Act No. 11469 also known as Bayanihan To Heal as One Act which states that all covered institutions (including real estate developers) to implement a 30-day grace period for all loans with principal and/or interest falling due within the ECQ Period without incurring interest, penalties, fees and other charges. Up until this day, as a part of Bayanihan To Heal as One Act 2, the company considering the payment of our valued clients without incurring any late payment charges and penalties.
Here in APBI, no virus can ever stop us from helping you turn your dreams into reality!